Wednesday 13 July 2016

Raagi Porridge for Toddlers - Step by step procedure

    Raagi is always known for its high fiber and calcium content. Calcium serves as a important nutrient for the preschooler/toddler aiding in their physical growth, which happens in this stage predominantly. However it is one of the baby's first foods, there is a different method that has to be adopted for babies younger than one year. Click here to know the step by step procedure of the same. For children above one year the digestive system would be prepared to digest the high amount of fiber content in raagi and hence the raagi powder can be used directly to make porridge.


1. Add 3 to 4 tea spoons of raagi powder to the bowl and add 200 ml of water to it.
2. Bring it to boil and add one tea spoon of panag kalkandu to the mixture.
3. Stir it continuously till it attains a semi solid consistency. 
4. Allow it to cool and add less quantity of boiled milk (make sure the semi solid consistency is maintained even after adding milk for your ease of feeding using spoon)

Click here to know more healthy recipes.

Have a Happy Parenting

Reader's suggestions and experiences are highly appreciable for the benefit of other mothers.


  1. Yeah...I always dreamt of giving Ragi Sankati ( famous Kanada dish)but somehow never did it. This is easy and simple recipe when we run out of complan and stuff...thanks for reminding.

  2. yes. i have many more Raagi foods for our little tods. Keep following my blogs.
