Sunday 19 April 2015

How will Water help a New Born?

       Isn't it quite common for a New Born also to feel thirsty, like how we do? If so shouldn't they also be given water like how we drink when we feel thirsty? Few mothers would have given it also. But have you ever asked a pediatrician about giving water for a New Born? Those who have asked would have got a Big NO as an answer. But very few Doctors would have given the reason for the No(Like how my son's doctor did). So I am sharing here the various reasons why not to give Water for a New Born.
  • Almost all the New Born would be given Breast Milk which contains all the water a New Born would need. Its being said that the Initial portion of the breast milk is nothing but the water(Not just water!!The most purest and healthy form of liquid that no one can get through any purification process) that will wrench the baby's thirst immediately.  
  • Water is said to be the main source of infection and it serves as a easy medium for transmitting all the disease. Regardless of whatever purification process implied to the water, there are few anti-bodies that could not be killed.
  • Giving excess water that is not needed, would flush the vitamins and minerals from the baby's body before absorption. This would lead vitamin deficiency and lot more troubles.
So never Give water for the New Born until you start with the Solids. Once you start with Solids it should always be accompanied with water which will help the baby to digest the food.

Have A Happy Parenting

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