Saturday 13 December 2014

10 Tips For Choosing the Right Play School

              Have you given a thought of putting your little one in a Play School. Here are Few Tips for you to choose the Best Play School.
               While going for enquiry to a Play School, apart from the Fees structure the following points should also be considered.

1. Have a walk through, preferably during a non working hour to get a clear picture about the safety, ventilation, etc.,

2. Method of teaching should also be considered as a criteria. It's not necessary for all schools to adapt the Montessori Education, since all types of education have their own pros and cons. What stands important here is, the method should basically be adaptable for the little ones.

3. Children should not be forced to write until they do it on their own. So kids in a play school should be taught through activities that will improve their Hand - Eye Co-ordination and also keep them entertained.

4. The strength of the school should be in accordance with the space available. There should be enough rooms and play area to accommodate all the kids.

5. Students-Teachers ratio should also be appropriate. There should also be enough number of care takers in the school.

6.  Once the kid starts going to school he will learn more from the teachers than the parents. So a rough check for the teacher's qualification and their communication skills should be made.

7. Check for the teaching aids that are present in the school. It should entertain as well as teach new things for the kids.

8. The environment of the school should also be considered. The approach road for the school should neither be too crowded nor too isolated.

9. Distance from the house should hold the top priority. Sending a 2 or 3 year old kid 10 kms to pursue a Play School degree doesn't sounds good. Check for the school transportation provided.

10. The most important point that has to be considered is the Little One's Decision. Take him along with you while going for enquiry and let him explore the school. But How to Find Out His Decision???It's Just simple!!!!!
If  Yes he wouldn't allow You to leave the school After enquiring.
If  No he wouldn't allow You to stay there While enquiring.

     Just note the Hint of the above tips(and few more that come across your mind)in a paper and go for Finding The School of Your Little One's. I know its really difficult to find a school that would fulfill all these criteria. All that you can do is visit few schools near your house and choose the Best.

    But My Job Was Very Easy!!!!Me and My husband visited a couple of schools and were totally disappointed. With a reference of a Friend we visited EuroKids, Chemmencherry. We almost spent an hour with Ms.Jeyalatha Martin, CEO  of the school who answered all our questions among which few seemed to be very silly later. We happily came out satisfied to see our Little One Enjoying in the Play Area.(The Most convincing point for us was the 10th. I still remember, We literally pulled him out of the school that day).
      Ms.Jeyalatha Martin the CEO of the school makes us all believe that our kids are in Safe Hand by the way she handles our Little Ones.  How would you feel  if your kid is taken care by a Courageous, Lovely  and Patient Woman???
                                                      The Feel Itself Is Priceless!

      I should also say that Ms.Jeyalatha Martin has always proved my decision correct. It was not in one single occasion I have regretted for admitting him in EuroKids,Chemmencherry. Also the support that she gives for the children and the parents is Immense.

But Wait!!!Is it a subject that has to be pampered so much?
  Play School should be yet another Home for the Child since that would be the second new world they are going to face.
  Give in your Best for Finding a Second Home for your Little One.
        Have a Happy Parenting

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