Tuesday 8 July 2014

"My Baby is not latching properly" - What to do to Overcome This Problem

'My Baby Is Not Latching Properly' is the very common statement made by every new mom. Since the baby is new to the world it may initially have some trouble in latching. But still some mom may keep worrying about this. I am going to share my personnel experience to make those moms feel comfortable.

There is famous quote that all doctors and elders would keep saying, 'Babies are taught to suck milk when they are in womb itself, By God'. I guess My Son was busy playing when God was teaching the other Kids. 

The first day we didn't bother too much about it, thinking he will learn it the next day. But the next day also he didn't, which ended up putting us in frustration. We took some help from nurses in the hospital and tried to make him latch properly. But he didn't even attempt to do it and hence he didnt pass urine frequently. The doctor doesn't wanted him to get jaundice. So he instructed us to express the milk and feed. My Grandma fed him the milk through paladai since she doesn't wanted him to get used to bottle. Fourth day, on which I was about to discharge, he still did'nt learn it. So we finally ended up with using the Nipple Shield, which we had as our last option.

Happiness In Using Nipple Shield
     I wanted my son to be exclusively fed with mother's milk and for that this Nipple Shield helped me. I still hold the picture of him, having mouth full of milk for the first time he drank using Nipple Shield, in my mind.

Sufferings We under went because of this Nipple Shield
      He had to put more effort to suck milk out of Nipple Shield when compared with the babies drinking directly from the mother. So he ended up getting Jaw pain that kept crying all through the day and night.
      Also the flow of the milk was very slow and I have to feed him for more than an hour each time. Most of the time I will fall asleep by the time he finishes his meal. My grandmother would stay near us and once he finishes, she will take him away and put him down to sleep in his 'thulli'.
     Finally I ended up with getting Nipple Cracks when he was 15 days old. So I had to go to doctor and get some medicines.

      Everyone started making a statement that my son does'nt get enough milk and wanted me to give him formula feed. Not wanting to give up, I struggled a lot for transforming him from Nipple Shield to direct feeding. I would feed him for the first few minutes using the shield and then feed him directly by removing it. Finally!!!!! With all the support of My Grandmother I transformed him to direct feeding when he was 20 days old.

For Babies who did'nt latch properly Nipple Shield is a Good Solution, But Not A Permanent One.

But what is the answer for 'What to do Overcome This Problem?'.
Very simple. Stay Confident. Have Patience. Think Positive. 

Have a Happy Parenting


  1. You are such an excellent Mom. Sarvesh kutty is lucky to have u dear. At last Paati vaithiyam is always the best

    1. Ya you are correct Jenifer Roopika. Pattis will have correct solution for every problem. Only thing they will not be able to give a logical reason behind it. We all are excellent moms for our kids dear!!!!! But I am the one lucky to have sarvesh, he gives me so much time to learn things.
